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Volunteer Online Now! (Others)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Many pass up volunteering, though they’re very much interested to, for lack of time due to work or family. Thus rendering them unable to spare time and travel. Well, that’s not a problem anymore. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) has now launched an online volunteering service site where you could easily sign up for online volunteering work. is one of the United Nations Volunteers programme’s corporate tools to mobilize more volunteers for development. It connects volunteers to organizations working with the United Nations for sustainable human development who are in need of volunteers.

All available volunteer work listed on the site can be done from volunteers’ homes. No need to travel and work can be done by the volunteers’ own pace. Communication will all be done online as well for everybody's convenience.

Volunteer work of all kinds are available in the site. From projects ranging 2 weeks from 2 months and projects from simple editing to research. You’re bound to find volunteer work that well fits you.

If you’re interested, just go to and register. Once you’ve registered, you can easily go over the list of available volunteer work as the site is very easy to navigate. Just to make sure you do find volunteer work best suited for you, the site allows you to filter available volunteer work based on your specific skills and interests (i.e. writing and editing, translation, research, IT development, etc.).

You could also filter available volunteer work based on your desired advocacy (i.e. education, youth, crisis prevention and recovery, gender, environment, etc.)

You can even filter available volunteer work based on which region you want to offer support (i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, Arab States, etc.)

You can use all three filters at the same time to find something specific for you.

After selecting your chosen volunteer work, you will be asked a few essay questions on your motivation, experiences, and skills to be submitted to the organization you are offering your volunteer work to. Depending on the organization, they might also let you submit sample works.

Once they accept you, you’ll get the project briefing and you can do your work at home and at your own pace until date of submission. At the end of the project you will be given a certificate of appreciation for your work from the United Nations.

It’s now very easy to volunteer given such online program. There’s no more excuse of not being able to travel or being too busy. What are you waiting for, volunteer now! Go to

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